What do you get with the programme How it works What it is comprised of Menometer BeeHarmony

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Join the programme

Registration or Login

Are you already “there”? Just run the manometer and find out!

Answer a few questions and check how you feel with menopause symptoms, what it means for you and how you can help yourself.

Time for answering: up to 2 minutes

Complete the questionnaire

What do you get with the “Hormones in Harmony” programme?

A wealth of key information about changes before, during and after menopause, as well as concrete advice and guidance to help you live a relaxed, fulfilled and healthy life even in adulthood.

Start using the programme

How does the programme work?

Every day, for 60 consecutive days, new interesting content is unlocked for free. Even when the programme ends, you retain access to the "library" of articles, tips, instructions, recipes, etc.


Take care of yourself
If you understand what is going on in your body, you can more easily manage the physical, mental and emotional changes that come with the process of ovaries becoming inactive in middle age, alleviate symptoms and take good care of yourself.


Develop new habits
By making minor lifestyle changes, eliminating less healthy habits and adopting new ones, and taking good care of yourself, you can ensure an undiminished quality of life. And become a new you.


You new beginning
No woman can avoid menopause. But with the right information and proven ways to relieve symptoms, this period is an opportunity to live well, fulfilled and with passion.

Hormone yoga video exercises

You will practice hormone yoga – it has an amazing effect on the balance of hormones and requires no prior knowledge.

Healthy recipe

You will get to know food that comforts, food for a beautiful complexion and skin, food for healthy bones...

Relaxing and calming down

Relaxation techniques will help you calm down and sleep better, improve your memory and concentration.

Advice and guidance

You will learn about the most common symptoms of menopause and ways to alleviate them naturally and safely.

Weekly challenges

You will also learn new habits more easily with simple weekly motivational challenges.

Help of the community

You're not alone! You'll be able to ask a question to an expert and read what bothers other women the most.






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